Queerbaiting and Fandom || An ARC review

Borrowed, Bought or ARC: This was an ARC granted to me through NetGalley and the publishers. I am very thankful for this opportunity. All thoughts published below are my honest and true opinion. Where did I get it?: As stated above, I got this from NetGalley. Author: by Joseph Brennan, editor Publisher: University Of Iowa PressContinue reading “Queerbaiting and Fandom || An ARC review”

Books I got in September and October

I totally slacked on doing this in September, mainly because I was on a no-buy and wasn’t allowed to buy books until I read a good portion of books I had bought in August. However…. that didn’t mean that books couldn’t be gifted to me. Here are the five books that Leelynn so kindly gaveContinue reading “Books I got in September and October”

Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life

So just a fair warning, I definitely don’t think I have a list of ten things for y’all today but I have noticed a few differences in my reading habits so I wanted to mark them down. Most of them have to do with book blogging which makes sense. I’ve started reading more series thanContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life”

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